How Long Does Rice Last in a Rice Cooker?

If you have a rice cooker, you may be wondering how long the rice will last in it. Rice is a versatile food that can be used in many dishes, so it’s important to know how to store it properly.

In this blog post, we will answer the question of how long does rice last in a rice cooker. We will also provide some tips on how to extend the shelf life of your rice.

How Long Does Rice Last in a Rice Cooker

How Long Does Rice Last in Rice Cooker?

Cooked rice will go bad within a day if kept in the rice cooker. But uncooked rice has a long shelf life.

While the shelflife varies significantly depending on the type of rice, humidity, temperature, and storing facility, here is the average shelflife for your reference.

If you are talking about uncooked white rice, it will last for about eight to ten months in a rice cooker. Brown rice will last for a year to a year and a half, and wild rice will last for eight to ten months. If you are using basmati or jasmine rice, it will last for about a year or two.

To extend the shelf life of your rice, we recommend storing it in an airtight container in a cool, dry place. This will increase the shelf life by almost two times.

Symptoms of Bad Rice

If you have stored your rice incorrectly or if it has gone bad, you will start to see some symptoms.

The rice will start to smell bad and taste sour. The grains will also become hard and dry. If you see any of these signs, please discard the rice immediately.

If you leave the rice to spoil for a week, you’ll see bacteria and fungus forming inside the container with discoloration of rice grains.

How to Prevent Rice from Spoiling in the Rice Cooker?

If you are using a rice cooker, it’s important to follow the manufacturer’s instructions on how to cook and store the rice.

Most rice cookers have a “keep warm” function that keeps the rice at a temperature that is conducive to bacterial growth.

So, if you are not going to eat the rice right away, we recommend turning off the “keep warm” function.

It’s best to get the rice out of the cooker after the cooking is done. And allow air to pass through so that heat can’t build up inside the rice which can cause the rice to spoil sooner.

It’s also important to clean your rice cooker regularly. Bacteria can build up in the pot and cause spoilage.

The best tip for preventing spoilage is to cook the exact amount of rice you will eat right away. Fresh rice tastes better and will discard the possibilities of spoilage.

If you tend to cook once and consume that in multiple meals, there is a higher possibility that the rice will spoil and cause issues in your stomach.

Will Reheating the Rice Kill Bacteria?

Reheating the rice will not kill all of the bacteria. So, it’s important to discard any leftover rice or preserve it correctly.

If you have cooked too much rice, we recommend freezing it in an airtight container. This will help to extend the shelf life of your cooked rice.

Can I Reheat Rice in a Rice Cooker?

Yes, you can reheat rice in a rice cooker. However, you must check whether the cooker has the reheating function in it.

Typically, higher-end cookers come with reheating function with preset settings or a customizable temperature knob that allows you to do the adjustments according to your preference.

Reheating should be done at around 70 to 80 degrees celsius for safety. More heat than this can cause the rice to burn and less than this won’t kill any bacteria.

We don’t recommend reheating rice on a regular basis as it can cause the rice to spoil sooner. It’s not healthy to reheat food again and again.

And reheating the rice causes them to stick together or stick to the bottom of the cooker. That’s another problem as well.

How Long Does Rice Last in the Fridge?

Cooked white and brown rice will last in the fridge for up to fourteen days. However, it’s not recommended to eat rice that is over five days old. You may not see any sign of spoilage, bacteria can start growing in the refrigerator as well.


Rice is a staple in many households. It’s important to understand how to properly store it and cook it so that you can enjoy it at its best quality.

And never eat rice that was cooked more than five days ago for safety. Starch in rice is a nice place for bacteria to grow and can quickly make you ill. So, be careful when you eat previously cooked rice.