How to Remove White Spots from Wood Table?

Do you have a wooden table that has white spots all over it? Don’t worry, you’re not alone. This is a common problem that many people face with their dining table.

In this blog post, we will discuss how to remove white spots from wood tables. We will also provide some tips on how to prevent them from appearing in the first place!

how to remove white spots from wood table

Keep reading below to find out!

What Causes the White Spots on Wood Table?

Heat and moisture are the two main culprits behind those pesky white spots. When you place a hot dish on your table, the moisture from the heat can cause the wood to swell and create an indentation.

Over time, these indentations will become visible as white spots.

If you are not sure whether the white spot you have on the wood table is caused by heat or not, try wiping it with a damp cloth. If the spot disappears, it is likely not caused by heat.

Spots that are caused due to heat are pretty stubborn and require specific techniques for removal.

How to Get White Spots off Wood Table?

There are a few different ways that you can remove white spots from wood tables. We’ll go one by one in this section for you to follow easily.

You can follow either of the listed ones according to your preference and availability of materials.

1. Using Heat to Remove the Stain

As the Indian proverb says- ‘It takes a thorn to remove a thorn’! In this case, using heat to remove the white spots caused by heat sounds pretty logical, doesn’t it?

For this method, you will need a hairdryer and nothing else. Simply set the hairdryer on the high setting and direct it towards the stained area for about 30 seconds from a 6 to 8-inch distance. Once done, wipe away any residue with a soft cloth.

The heat from the hairdryer will cause the wood to expand and fill in the indentations that are causing the white spots.

You can use a heat gun or an iron instead of the hairdryer to do the same.

However, the hairdryer is ideal as it won’t overheat the surface to cause further damage.

You can use a heat gun with low settings just to imitate the hairdryer. When using the heat gun, make sure to check the surface from time to time while you apply heat so that it doesn’t overheat.

In case you want to use an iron, here is the process-

Place a clean microfiber cloth, preferably a towel or a t-shirt without a button on the stained surface. Use low heat settings on a dry iron and iron the cloth for a few seconds.

If you own a steam iron, make sure to drain out all the water from the iron before you proceed with this step.

The heat transferred through the cloth to the wooden surface will cause the stain to slowly disappear.

You may need to run the iron several times with 15 to 30 seconds of ironing sessions for the stain to completely go away.

And that’s it! Your wood table will be good as new in no time.

Just remember to take extra care while using heat so that you don’t damage the wood further.

2. Using Toothpaste to Remove the Stain from Dining Table

Toothpaste is not just for cleaning your teeth! It can also come in handy for removing white spots from wood tables.

For this method, you will need non-gel toothpaste and a soft-bristled toothbrush. Apply the toothpaste to the bristles of the toothbrush and start scrubbing gently in a circular motion on the stained area.

After scrubbing for about 30 seconds, wipe away any residue with a damp cloth. You should see the stain slowly disappearing. If it doesn’t seem to be working, try leaving the paste on for a few minutes before wiping it off.

Before you leave the toothpaste on the surface for more than a few seconds, make sure the toothpaste doesn’t damage the surface.

Most wooden tables come with a shiny clear coat on top of the varnish. Leaving toothpaste on the surface for long may cause the clear coat to go away. If you need to leave the toothpaste on the surface for stain removal, make sure to focus only on the stained area.

Wipe away any toothpaste that you may have accidentally applied on a non-stained portion of the table.

3. Mayonnaise Can Clean it up As well

White spots on wood tables can also be removed using mayonnaise.

For this method, you will need a cup of mayonnaise and a clean microfiber cloth. Apply the mayonnaise generously to the stained area and leave it for about 30 minutes. After 30 minutes, wipe away any residue with a damp cloth. You should see the stain slowly disappearing.

If it doesn’t seem to be working, try leaving the mayonnaise on for a few hours before wiping it off. Just make sure you don’t leave it for more than 12 hours as it might cause damage to the surface of your table.

Another material that may do the job for you similar to mayonnaise is petroleum jelly.

The process is the same as using mayonnaise. Apply the petroleum jelly generously to the stained area and leave it for about 30 minutes. After 30 minutes, wipe away any residue with a damp cloth.

Make sure you buff the surface well with a circular motion so that the surface doesn’t get scratched up when you get rid of the mayo or petroleum jelly.

4. Applying Oil and Salt Combination to Get Rid of White Stain from Wooden Surface

Oils are great for getting rid of white spots on wood tables. For this method, you will need olive oil or any other oil that is safe to use on wooden surfaces. You will also need a clean microfiber cloth and some salt.

Sprinkle some salt on the stained area and pour a few drops of oil on top of it. Rub the mixture into the stain using the microfiber cloth in a circular motion. The abrasiveness of the salt will help scrub away the stain while the oil will help loosen it up.

After scrubbing for a few seconds, wipe away the mixture from the stained area to see if that worked. You should see the stain slowly disappearing.

If it doesn’t seem to be working, try leaving the mixture on for a few minutes before wiping it off.

5. Steel Wool Can Do the Trick as Well

For this method, you will need steel wool pads (000 or 0000 grade) and mineral oil.

Soak the steel wool pad in the mineral oil and rub it on the stained area in a circular motion. The abrasiveness of the steel wool will help scrub away the stain.

While scrubbing the surface, make sure to move with the wood grain so as not to damage the wooden surface.

The steel will help remove the stain while the oil will keep the surface unscratched. Oil will basically replace the old finishing coat when the steel wool removes it.

So, the result will be a smooth and shiny surface without any white stain if done correctly.

6. Wood Restoration is the Last Resort

If all the methods mentioned above don’t work, then your last resort would be to sand the surface and refinish it.

This method should only be done as a last resort as it will remove the old finish of your table.

You will need to sand down the entire stained surface until the white spots are gone and then apply a new coat of varnish or polyurethane.

The process is time-consuming and requires some effort, but it will definitely get rid of those pesky white spots on your wood table.

Note that after applying a new varnish, you may not get that perfect old finish on the surface as finishing the wood is pretty hard unless you have a pair of experienced hands.

How to Protect Wood Dining Table from Heat Marks?

Now that you know how to remove white spots from wood tables, it’s time to learn how to protect them.

One of the most common problems that people face with wood furniture is heat marks. Heat marks are usually caused by hot plates or cups being placed on the surface of the wood.

Here are a few tips that you can follow to prevent heat marks on your wood table:

Use Placemats or Coasters on the Table Surface

One of the best ways to prevent heat marks is to use placemats or coasters on the table surface.

This will create a barrier between the hot item and the table surface, thus preventing any heat damage.

Use Tablecloths or Doilies

Another way to protect your wood table from heat marks is to use tablecloths or doilies.

These will help absorb any heat that is generated from hot items being placed on the table and protect the table surface underneath from getting damaged.

Use a Heat Diffuser

If you are going to place a hot pot or pan on the table, make sure to use a heat diffuser. A heat diffuser is basically a plate that goes between the hot item and the table surface.

It will help distribute the heat evenly so that there is no concentrated area of heat that can damage the table surface.

Keep Your Table Clean

It’s important to keep your wooden table clean as dirt and dust can build up over time and make it more susceptible to heat damage.

Wipe down your table with a damp cloth regularly to remove any dirt or dust that has accumulated on its surface.

Dust can easily get attached to the surface leaving an unpleasing stain when you put a hot plate or pan on top of it.

Cold Compress to Minimize Severity

If a heat mark does appear, immediately apply a cold compress to the area for a few minutes. This will help lessen the severity of the mark.

Once the area has cooled down, use one of the methods mentioned above to remove the heat mark.

Prevention is always better than cure so make sure to follow these tips to keep your wood table looking like new for years to come.


White spots on wood tables are a common problem that many people face. There are several ways that you can remove these spots without damaging the table surface.

From our experience, the best way to remove white spots is to use a hairdryer or iron. However, If all method fails, you can always refinish the table to get rid of the spots.

To prevent heat marks, make sure to use placemats, coasters, tablecloths, or doilies on the table surface.

You should also clean your table regularly and dust it off to keep it looking like new. If a heat mark does appear, immediately remove the mark to prevent it from getting stubborn.